The Invasion Begins

May 11th at 11:59PM Title 42 came to an end. The border is basically wide On open for a expected tsunami wave of immigrants claiming asylum with little to no pushback from the Biden administration.

Tens of thousands of immigrants have been patiently waiting for this day to arrive and as the cheers arose from those camped out in Mexico at midnight, they knew their wait was over. 

They’ll flood across the Rio Grande and find their way into every border town, be questioned at a processing center, then be released into cities throughout the United States. 

Some won’t bother with a processing center, they’ll simply take off as “runners” and quickly vaporize into the horizon, never to be seen again,becoming an additional statistic to the nearly 800K gotaways reported by the CBP.

Others will receive gift bags that will contain government paid cellphones so that our officials can keep “tabs” on them as they traverse throughout the country.

Have no fear, Section 8 is still in play, well, that’s at least what Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas keeps stating. However, that doesn’t seem to be working extremely well. Over the last two years, nearly 6M immigrants have strolled up to the border, been given a piece of paper that provides a hearing date, sometime years in the future, then released to roam as they please.

But wait, Mr. Biden wanted to drop that requirement, maybe he thought that it was too burdensome to have someone to keep track of their court date. Fortunately, a Federal Judge overturned that ruling.

Biden has ordered the CBP to step back from enforcing the border and let the Texas National guard and State Troopers that Governor Abbot had put in place, lead the way. The Biden administration has simply walked away from its responsibility to protect the United States border. 

The immigration system is broken, but this effort is nothing more than a plan by the Left to reshape America, change the demographics of the country and reduce the middle-class as lower wage jobs are gobbled up by those here illegally that dare not complain.

The Federal Government is looking the other way when it comes to drug and human trafficking and seems to be perfectly content as resources dwindle in the cities, already overwhelmed with homelessness, crime and drug problems.

Cities and towns across the country, will be required to provide housing, food, medical services, and education, further taxing their citizens. But all is well as far as the Biden administration is concerned.

It’s been estimated that over 16 million illegal immigrants will have made it across the border and placed strategically around the country by the end of Biden’s term. Blue states will turn bluer and bright red states will start to turn pink.

Have no doubt, that an amnesty effort will be made by the Left to get more voters on the record, and they will continue to drive to no voter ID process to garner more votes to further push the Left-Wing agenda. 

What seems chaos to most sensible people, has been a strategic plan to weaken America and bring it into what’s being called “The New World Order” where only the political and social elites have power, while the rest of the population is expected to fall in line and do as you are told.

Biden commented “It’s going to be a little chaotic”, no sir, it’s been a little chaotic, it’s now a full on catastrophe.

The Customs Border Patrol union summed it perfectly “the Biden administration is corrupt to its core”.

The Invasion has begun.

The Invasion Begins

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