Is Lee County About to Arrest Over 6,000 Residents?

Article by John Brice, East Alabama Gazette

Puzzling entries have come to light from the agenda packet for the Lee County Commission meeting scheduled on Monday, August 14th of 2023. Available via the official Lee County website, the first cryptic item included in the packet is a generic court appearance notice directed at residents who have been flagged for "Solid Waste Violations". 

Compounding the confusion is the fact that this "Solid Waste Violations" item is not listed in the summary outline for the meeting on the first page of the agenda packet. Located on the same page later on in the packet as an entry for "Noise Ordinance Violations", the "Solid Waste Violations" item is conspicuously missing from the summary. 

Speculation on the nature of this potential gaffe is being withheld by the Examiner at this time, suffice it to say that some strange machinations appear to be afoot at the LCC.

There was much hand wringing amongst the commissioners and county officials at the last LCC meeting held on July 31st regarding the fact that over 6,000 residents have not paid their outstanding garbage bills which is roughly equivalent to 40% of the unsuspecting enrollees who have been involuntarily inducted into the county's garbage collection scheme. In the aftermath of this shocking information being revealed to the public and the subsequent contentious discussion related to it,

Opelika resident Lance Farrar submitted a formal request for a comprehensive list containing all the names and addresses of residents who have not paid the unexpected garbage bills that the county has slyly delivered to their mailboxes. In response to this request, Commission Chairman Bill English attached a baffling memorandum to the packet regarding these "delinquent garbage customers" as he refers to them.

Seeking long distance advice from the legal counsel for the Association of County Commissions of Alabama (ACCA) on its face seems like an odd maneuver.

Why not instead keep it local and confer with Lee County Attorney Stan Martin on the query? Further complicating matters, the ACCA referred the LCC to seek counsel from what was awkwardly phrased as "an Attorney General". Is this in reference to Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall, who should be referred to as THE attorney general?

Perhaps this is merely a typo, yet in the ongoing saga of this modern-day star chamber nothing that meets the eye is what it seems. Are the aforementioned "Solid Waste Violations" one in the same as the "delinquent garbage customers" Chairman English has his sights set on?

Rest assured; clarification will be vigorously demanded by your fellow patriots of Lee County at the upcoming LCC meeting so make sure to stay tuned to the Examiner for the answers to these burning questions at hand.

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