Democratics Are Pure Evil

Article by Joe Murray

Democrats are 100% pure evil lying scum.

Demented Joe and the Democrats will try to keep the entire world 100% focused on Donald Trump while they destroy America behind the scenes. Stupid people will fall for this ploy, intelligent people will not.

Donald Trump is 100% irrelevant to me. What I am focused on is how Democrats are destroying our nation.

As a former Democrat of 25 years, and an intelligent person with my master’s degree in engineering from Stanford, I came to recognize that the greatest threat facing America today is not Donald Trump, and it’s not COVID-19. It’s not even China or Russia. By far, the greatest threat facing America today, is the unfettered spread of the regressive left. With all of the rot, the decay, the insanity, the weakness, the incompetence, and the destruction that come with it. This is why I left this evil and dangerous party. This is why I will never vote Democrat again.

America’s downfall has begun…75% of Americans seem to agree with that. Democrats blame the downfall on one single private citizen, I blame the downfall on 150 million regressive lefties.

When you see how incredibly stupid and incompetent Americans have become, it starts to make perfect sense as to why China is overtaking the USA as the world’s number one superpower. If we are unable to wrestle control of the US public education system, the teacher’s union, and the US college education system away from the Democrats, then, yes, our country is 100% toast.


Well-articulated. Yet, how can the willfully blind be convinced to use their powers of discernment to see patterns of behavior even in the absence of absolute evidence possessed only by the corrupt DOJ who are hell bent on concealing it?

I don’t know…just by using common sense? 


Common sense is part of it. Electing a solid Republican Legislature (I’m not talking about RINOS who are “go along” big government Democrats in drag) and a solid Republican President in ’24 is required, IF we can get that done.

Vivek said in the Debate and elsewhere that young people have no answer to the question, “What does it mean to be an American!”

THAT defines what has happened to the once top quality American educational and university systems that were rated number 1 in 1979 and now are rated slightly above average, just above the third world countries.

Elimination of the Dept. of “Education” and the ruthless teacher unions, both of which have destroyed American education, civilization, and patriotic identity in a mere 40 years.

To begin fixing education, the foundation stone of our nation’s existence, will take a Legislature and President who can understand the problem and accomplish fixing it forcefully.


Once established politically, Lenin’s FIRST act was taking control of education.

Once established politically, one of Hitler’s FIRST acts was taking control of education.

(In the late twenties/early thirties, a group of German Communist professors from Frankfurt escaped the Nazis, getting to New York where they were welcomed as brothers and sisters by the far-left wing School of Education at Columbia University, at that time, the largest and most influential School of Education in this nation.

They became known as “the Frankfurt School.” Before leaving Germany, they were trying to stealthily take over German primary and secondary education, in order to build a Communist Germany in about 40 years. At Columbia, they realized they could attack American Capitalism and turn our nation Communist).

Once established politically, one of Fidel Castro’s FIRST acts was taking control of education.

Once established politically, one of the FIRST acts of Hugo Chavez and his successor Nicholas Maduro took control of education.

(Back in the days of Chavez, a Priest friend was sent from Rome to confront him from taking control of Catholic schools. A tough Cajun, my friend was successful - until Maduro. At that time, my friend and a colleague were tasked with saving, and evacuating to friendly countries, Priests, Seminarians, and as many students as possible before Maduro blocked their efforts. They got people into Peru, Mexico, Italy and the United States).

(My friend’s Priest colleague was so devastated after two weeks of working stealthily and in great danger to save people from Maduro’s deadly thugs, that he had a heart attack on their Air Italia flight as it was on final approach to Rome. He died in my friend’s arms on the taxiway).

Those historic events are all factual. Please make your own judgements.

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